Monday, August 30, 2010

Final Submission: Link to files and model

Final Submission for Experiment 1

1.Link Documentary video clip from Youtube:

2.Link to Crysis war Environment (FIlefont)

Key in Crysis:
P for elevators to go up
L for elevators to go down
U to open the door
O to close the door

3.Link to SketchUp model:

Final Video for Documentary_"The Physical Effects of Explosions on Porosity"

This is the final version of my documentary...

The documentary focusing on the effect of the explosion , the transformation of force and how it transfered.....


Week5: Video showing final Crysis Environment...

Video showing final Crysis Environment...

This is the video showing the environment before putting any explosion..The video show the relationship between the ramps and how the train rail strucutre fit into the environment...

Link :

Platforms and ramps in environment and View from platfrom...

The images of the platforms and ramps in Crysis War Environment...

These are the images showing the views from each of the platforms in the environment...

The first view : from the main platfroms

View from second platform, up in the elevator

This is the view from the platfrom at ground level...

The train structure in environment....

Week4: Documentary mode (150words)

Observational Mode

The documentary mode I will be using for my documentary is “Observational Mode”. I choose to use this mode because I want to focus on the reaction that happen when the explosion occur also to show to relationship between the two different types of object. Observational mode of documentary allows the audience to see the point that I try to point out, the understating of explosion. By presenting the documentary this way, it will give the audience to observe all the action that happen and understand it through the text which will go along with the video that show all the action and relation of the object as well as the explosion which is the key concept that the documentary try to present. By showing what happening in the environment while the explosion occur and explain it this way I believe this will maximise the whole purpose of the documentary.

Platforms and ramps in environment

These are models of platforms and ramps I will be putting them into the environment....
I decided to have 3 different platforms and ramps in order to place them in different area and capture the explosion from different view...

First platfrom and ramp...

This is the main platform....contains two sided ramp with the open that will be opened and closed... The platform sitting right infront of the explosion area...this will be the main area to capture explosion...

Second platfrom and ramp... + elevator...

This is another platfrom that will be placed in the angle to the explosion area...The platform contains samll ramp and elevator...This is created t capture explosion from higher point of view...I might place more than one of this platform in my environment....

The last platfrom

This is the one I created previously....This one is used to capture the video of explosion from lower landscape view...

Week3: videos showing result of experiment from tutorial

These are videos capturing the result of my experiments on the tutorials in week 3 studio.....

Experimenting with the rope....

Experiment to move entity using trackview....

And constraints the objects....

*All the videos are created and captured by me
**The videos are uploaded on

Week2: Platform and ramp

This is only the draft of the platform and ramp. I was just playing around with sketchup and some texture....

The following is the train station structure in the environment....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week2: Hypothesis for the effect of explosion (50 words)

Hypothesis for the effect of explosion
(The hypothesis applied to the three explsion uploaded in the previous blog update)

"The explosion causes the object to explode into fractions travel in random direction according to the force applies to that individual object. The size of each fraction also depend on the force reflect on it. The force need to be greater than the gravity in order to explode all the objects into fractions."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 2 : Explosion Experiment

Here are my videos of explosion experiments in Crysis War

Reference :
*All the videos are created and captured by me.
**All the videos are uploaed on

Week 1 : Video of environment in progress

Video of environment in progress....

This is 30 second video captured Crysis War environment in progress.

And another one....

Reference :
*All the videos are created and captured by me.
**The videos are uploaed on