Friday, November 5, 2010

EXP2_Week4: Developed 3 video clips of flowgraph nodes + Developed model with lights

Developed Video clips (Chisen flowgraph nodes)

As further research is taken placed and mode thought about EXP2 came through, I then re-considered of what flowgraph nodes I will be using in Porosity Lens. As the concept of exp2 is to present how people interact with environment and observe the time when people travel throught space. The 3 flowgrph nodes I chose are as follow;

1. Vehicle:Entre


This flowgraph node give command to AI to get into the Vehicle (Truck in this video). With implementation with AIpath and AI:FollowPathSpeedStance, the vehicle then moving in the given path direction. When that action is secceeded the node Vehicle:Exit is used to command AI or player to get out of vehicle. In this video it shows how example of these nodes I applied. Travelling time on the vehicle is one of the most important part of how people travel thourh and interact with spaces or environment. So I decided to put this part of action into my Porosity Lens.

2. AI:GoToSpeedStance


In this video it shows how AI:GoToSpeedStance command the action of AI . AI is commanded to move in the spot direction that were given by AITagPoint. The implementation of Entity:EntityPos is also applied. As I need to find the position of the entity for the AI to move to. The video shows how the AI move from one spot to another with the amount of time is take. This action can be implemented to the Porosity Lens as I will be putting this action into train station showing people walking around though the environment.

3. Game:LocalPlayer


For this video, the Game:LocalPlayer node is added.It is used to command the AI to follow the player (me). This action is formed by AI:GoToStanceSpeed as the node give to command to AI to move and Game:LocalPlayer is the command to VI to move to the local player(me). The video showing AIs following playyer(me). This will be useful to show how people walk in the space or area that I walk through.(Assuming this area to be the most recent area people walk through). This present the time consumption and the interaction between people and place.

Developed model

Here I have changed some part of the model to fit into the train station and also placed some light in the model...

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