Thursday, November 4, 2010

EXP2_Week1 : Three chosen Flowgraph nodes

After I did some research on the flowgraph node I then came out with some of the idea to apply to exp2. Some flowgraph nodes are really useful and so I chose to use them in this experiment.

1.Nodes to command ALor player to get into venhicle(car) and then vehicle move
Makes AI or player enter specified seat of specified vehicle. This node will allow AL to enter to the venhicle. The reason I chose to use is because it is an way to command the AL to get into the vehicle as I will use this action with out any input control therefore the AL move in venticle as the game start.

Handle vehicle movement. I chose to use this node because the node control the vehicle to move therefore I will be capture the movement of vehicle outside of the vehicle which allows me to see all of the action that is taking place.

2.Nodes to give the direction (destination) and speed to the movement of object or entity.

The node move an entity to a destination position at a defined speed. This node control the movement of any entity. Entity will move in the direction and spped that were given. This node is very useful in controlling the entity to move in the game. Such as elavator, doors adn etc.
The node rotate an entity during a defined period of time. Similar to the node above (MoveEntityTo) but control the movement in the rotational movement. This node also given the time of rotation to the entity. Since in exp2 the movement will be most involved therefore by using this node along with others will help me achive the goal.

3.The nodes to create a trigger to activate the action
Entity Position/Rotation/Scale. This node indicate the detail on the position of entity. I chose this node because it can be used as a destination for the movement of other object which is very useful in commanding one object of AL to move to one spot or other.

This node assign the particular key to activate the action when the key is pressed. By applying this node then I can concrol any ction in the environment such as press to open the door or press to take off. This node will be really useful and it is common when interacting player and game.

Reference :

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